Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Gym Management System Essay
IntroductionIt is cognize that exercise is alpha. Exercise has a great impact in the body as it has each(prenominal) sorts of benefits. corporeal activities atomic number 18 very dish outful non only on devising people fit but overly on improving angiotensin converting enzymes personality. If they involve a healthy body, they bear be arable in daily life.Exercise gains the energy level. Through it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the social unit body encourageing it to civilise more than expeditiously and boost endurance. It is besides proven that regular exercise decreases the risk of health problems.Exercise base be fun. Physical activity releases chemicals in our brain called endorphins that atomic number 18 known to make you feel happier and relaxed. A thirty minute exercise attend improved moods and relieve stress.Doing somatic activities are often great hazard to socialize. Focus and motivation can be passd to pursue goal which helps by going to the re creation center like going to middle school to acts and slip away with new(prenominal)s. (http//primarychildrenshospitalblog.org/2012/06/12/10-reasons-why-exercise-is-important/). physical fitness gym is one of the places they should visit to perform physical activities. This place has a facilities and equipments that you go away use in our training session. there are trainers that pose exercise programmes and help you to become fit and slopped. any person in the world would like to have a perfective tense body. In order to have a healthy and a strong body, people would need to consider going to a gym to work out. What do such(prenominal) people waitress of a gym? Certainly, patrons would expect a wide selection of equipment available in a gym. Patrons would enchant well-educated staffs who know everything people want to know intimately operative out.To provide a good quality of service to people, fitness gym should have an organized management dust that go forth p rovide thingmabob to their staff to perform their work more efficiently. The proposed frame entrust fracture the list of exercises and it entrust keep lays of gym members, attendance of gym employees, stock list and the payment of bills of the customers. This will help in monitoring daily activities in the gym.This proposed carcass will be helpful to customers because it will guide them in doing proper exercise and improve the productivity of business of gym owners that will provide an excellent service. http//www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/5886.htmlStatement of the ProblemThe main problem is how to create, initiation and invent a middle school focal point System that will automatize the manual of arms of arms(a)(a) process of adjustment, manual place put of workouts and training programs, manual transaction, manual encoding of attendance, Manual take stock of equipments and lastly the generation of reports. luckicularized ProblemHow do the respondents asses the af fectivity of the proposed system.1.1 Functionality1.2 Reliability1.3 Usability1.4 Maintainability1.5 PortabilityConceptual Framework puzzle out 1 Paradigm of the depicted objectThe conceptual framework the proposed Gym trouble system starts in the automation of the manual process from registration and membership, manual setting of workouts and training programs, inventory and transactions and lastly is the generation of reports. The proposed system automates themanual process to come up with the efficient and reliable system that will lessen the manual process.Scope and Delimitation of the StudyThe proposed system serves as the automated Gym Management System that systematize/manage the elderly process of registration, inventory and transactions of the Gym. This helps to speed up transaction and give more efficient and reliable data.The Gym Management system is knowing in providing productivity in the gym and helps in keeping all the records of daily activity and transactions. T his will be developed in Microsoft optical basic 2010 and Sql Server as the database.Significance of the StudyThe proposed Gym Management System provides a significant improvement to the owner and its employee above the manual process of registration of new member, payment and inventory. The proposed system will help the following recipients Gym Owners The system will provide convenience. Because it keep the record of transactions to their clients, gym equipments and the attendance of employees working in the gym and it will be helpful in monitoring their business. Gym Staff/ force utilize an automated system will lessen the crusade and annul hassle in keeping the records. Clients It will provide privacy on their personal information. They will not be conf employ on what workout they will do. The system will provide guidelines in performing exercises. Proponents This system will give them ideas that they can use in their research relate to this topic.Definition of TermsFor make better rendering of the study, the following terms were defined Administrator a person responsible for running a business, organization,etc (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=4DIVPbxDqHH8gffmoCIBg&gws_rd=sslq=administrator+ exposition). Exercise activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to incur or improve health and fitness (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=fE5_VKqECuOJ8QfHgYGQDw&gws_rd=sslq= souseding+of+exercise). Fitness Gym its a place which houses the equipmentfor the used in physical exercise.It is also the main purpose to create an automated Gym Management System. (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=fE5_VKqECuOJ8QfHgYGQDw&gws_rd=sslq=meaning+of+Fitness+gym). schedule its a consummate(a) list of gunpoints such as property, goods in stock, or the content of a building. This is also the key goal to automate this manual process. (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=85eDVJb8MYeK8Qfn24Aw&gws_rd=sslq=inventory+definition). SQL Serv er SQL Server is Microsofts relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a full-featured database primarily ruleed to compete against competitors. This is the database used in create the proposed study. http//www.techopedia.com/definition/1243/sql-serverCHAPTER IIThis chapter hands a summary of related literature and studies which were reviewed and evaluate by the researcher for the conceptualization of the study.REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESGYM guidance SYSTEM ACADEMICIt gives us great pleasure to present the roam on Gym Management prepared sincerely, punctually and with utmost efforts. The contents of this book are presented into many chapters, in order to ease reading. The dispatch has been illustrated with precise data elucidated with neat System Flowchart, dataflow plat, Entity-Relationship diagram and Use courtshipful diagram that simplify in to a lower placestanding the bundle. The project includes the software package culture tools like c , crystal reports to present the software very precisely. precise care has been taken to make this project perfect and useful in every respect.ABOUT exist SYSTEMThe present system is on the whole depenitentiaryding on manual data management for divergent activities such as maintaining details of customer, provider, Students etc. They maintain Different registers for various activities such as storing and searching data which is tedious and succession consuming task. In present system all transactions are do manually with pen and paper so the frequent updating is not possible. Also generating reports, bills accuratelyis not possible with stream system. There are various other problems for instance, if customer come for the inquiry of particular Parcel and if that Parcel is not available then it is difficult to remember about it. In myopic system is lacking facilities such as searching, deleting, and adding data efficiently and effectively.DRAWBACKS OF EXISTING SYSTEMIt utilize s a large amount of space for customer and supplier transaction information in paper files, Sometime manual count may be incorrect thus, evanesceing to the incorrect information A large amount of data cannot be viewed at a coup doeilNo reminder for customer and Purchaser. Sometime the calculation has to be done manually so it requires a lot of work. Updating is not performed that efficiently and may lead complications. No surety as data can be misplaced or damaged. Lastly, it was not offers a substance ab user intimate work environmentNEED FOR NEW SYSTEMWorking with afoot(predicate) system is quite tedious, complicated and time consuming task. It may lead errors .certain operations such as surfing searching, adding, removing, entries cannot be done efficiently. Maintaining antithetical registers for various activities such as storing and searching data which is tedious and time consuming task. Generating reports, bills are much tedious task with new system. and so the organi zation needs new system with leavend features. Features such as automatic report generation, bill generation, computing complicated calculations, performing operations such as adding, deleting, updating and searching etc. System should be user friendly.PROPOSED SYSTEMWe hereby are grateful to present our software project through this report.Our proposed system is compute based. Which provide various drug user interfaces (Forms) for various operations and hence interactive. The system is able to generate calculations , bills ,reports automatically. trading operations such as adding, removing, searching customers, suppliers and employees can be done efficiently and effectively by proposed system. Adding Parcels category and unit wise is possible with the help of this system. System canefficiently perform various transactions such as sales, purchase and maintain data after each transaction. In short proposed system is user-friendly.FEATURES OF NEW SYSTEMGUI The proposed system prov ides better graphical user interface Search Searching details about customer, supplier, employee, Parcel is comparatively easy Increase Work Speed ascribable to automation of some part of system work speed would increase Less Paperwork For the proposed system less paperwork is required Reduces Error Due to cybernation there are less possibilities of error Economical Due to stripped errors and work delay proposed system can be economically effective to the company http//www.projectcorner.in/gym-management-system-academic-project-c-net-synopsis/Gym Management System ProjectGym management system project is a standalone user friendly software employment developed in asp.net victimization C programme spoken language and MS access database.Main objectiveMain idea behind developing this project is to manage different types of data in fitness center, gym. Using this software we can manage employee attendance details, members payments, daily attendance, present and lacking days o f employees and members. Along with these details gym equipment and payments details are also managed.Gym Management System Project Modules DescriptionEquipment module In this module we can add, delete, modify gym equipment details like when it is purchased, demonstrate , expiry date..etc. Instructor Module This is also called as employee module where instructor profile details, experience, present and heedless details for every day are updated. We can add , modify and delete these details,Member Module lucubrate of members who are joined are maintained through this application. Members salary, present and absent days details, payment , repayable information are managed through this module. direction Billing module helps in generating bills for members, employees for every month and provide duepayment details and we can generate reports for monthly billing. http//projectseminar.org/asp-net/asp-net-c/gym-management-system-project/554/CHAPTER IIImethodological outline of the Stu dyThe advocate choose the System instruction Life regular recurrence as the methodology to fasten up the software ontogenesis process. rule of StudyTo guide the researchers in developing the study, the advocate use SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) to meet user requirements in their business goals. SDLC is a serial of steps and phases for the development of software. The phases of SDLC used are (1) Data Gathering (2) abbreviation (3) Design (4) Coding (5) Testing and Evaluation. Data Gathering Phase is a collection of information that will be use to develop the system. The counsellor studied the data needful by observing and conducting an interview. And in compend Phase is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes involved, identifying problems and advocateing possible suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data, understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. (http//oer.nios.ac.in/wiki/index.php/Phases_of_System_Development_Life_Cycle).In Design Phase is based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system mustiness be juted. This is the phase of system designing. The logical design produced during the analysis is false into a physical design a detailed description of what is needed to solve original problem (http//oer.nios.ac.in/wiki/index.php/Phases_of_System_Development_Life_Cycle). In Coding phase is a system design needs to be implemented to make it a workable system. This is also called the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer to as programs.It is an important stage where the defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language(http//oer.nios.ac.in/wiki/inde x.php/Phases_of_System_Development_Life_Cycle). In Testing and Evaluation Phase is actually implementing the new system into operations, a rise run of the system is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a inclined set of test data. The output of the test run should match the pass judgment results (http//oer.nios.ac.in/wiki/index.php/Phases_of_System_Development_Life_Cycle).Models utilize in Developing the SoftwareUsed instance plat It will show the role of each user of the system. In this diagram, we will learn the significance of each respondent on the flow of the system. action plat act diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, loop topology and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended to sticker both computational and organisa tional processes (i.e. workflows) (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=WBSEVMWnKyK8Qfkt4GwDg&gws_rd=sslq=activity+diagram+meaning). Database synopsis building described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS) and refers to the organization of data as a formula of how a database is constructed, divided into database tables in the case of Relational Databases (https//www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=WBSEVMWnKyK8Qfkt4GwDg&gws_rd=sslq=database+schema).Tools Used in Developing the SoftwareAdobe Photoshop it is a photo redact tool created by Adobe Systems Inc. The proponent used this software to enhance photos for the design of the Graphical exploiter Interface of the system. Visual Basic 2010 programming language created by Microsoft Company, the software that will be use to develop the proposed system. My SQL is the worlds most popular open source database, change the cost-effective delivery of reliable, high-performance and scalable Web-based and embedded database applications (http//www.oracle.com/us/products/mysql/overview/index.html).Respondents of the StudyThe respondents of the study were IT specialist, Gym owners and clients who assessed the effectiveness of the product based on a set of criteria. The IT experts who will evaluate the system are IT people that have deep technical knowledge on the subject of this research.The InstrumentA set of questionnaire was used in assessing the Gym Management system.DescriptionThe operator called the Gym Management Assessment form is an assessment questionnaire. The items were categorized into the ii factors convenience and efficiency factors. Convenience factors were assessed based on three criteria portability, security and maintainability. Efficiency factors, likewise, were assessed based on the three criteria of reliability, functionality and usability. Each criterion under each factor had 5 questions.Response Mode -Responses were categorized using a 5-point Liker Scale. Scale Description5 -Strongly Agree4 -Agree3 -Moderately Agree2 -Disagree1 -Strongly DisagreeChapter IVResults and DiscussionThis chapter discussed the presentation, analysis and interpretation of all the data collected from the position of the respondents as all the way stated in chapter 3.After reviewing, the method in this study, this chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the data gathered from the survey questionnaire on UPHSDAutomated Clearance. meet 1 illustrates the step-by-step development process that the proponent undertakes in developing the proposed system.Figure 2 Proposed System Development FlowThese are the phases of system development strategy where both users and proponent engaged in the evaluation, design, and implementation. During the requirements planning and design phase, the proponents identify the objectives of the system and the information requirements arising from those objectives. These phase focused on grasp the project goals.During the first ph ase, the proponent is working with users intensely during the workshop to design the business or non-technical aspects of the system. As soon as these aspects are hold upon and the systems are built and refined, a new system or part of the system are tested and then introduced to the Gym management.Use Case DiagramUse case diagrams are used to present a graphical overview of the functionality of a system.it is a type of static structure diagram that represents the user interactions with a system. This diagram portrays the different types of users and the various ways they interact with the system. In UML, the user is called actorand he can be human or an external system. The links between an actor and a use case are called associations. Use cases can be generalized, extended and included. Figure down the stairs contains the relationships and actors that illustrates and discussed the different set of structures of actions.Figure 3 Use Case DiagramActivity DiagramFigure Below exhibi ts thorough avctivity of registration of Gym Members and requires details to creat new account. Only the administrator can validate and blaspheme the registration. Upon verification and approval new account is created.Figure 4 Activity DiagramFigure 5 Activity Diagram of UserThis enter shows the process flow of the User or the Gym Members. Once the user successfully logged on the system he/she can view the registration form, view of training programs, workouts, prices. He/she can also view his/her attendance.Figure 6 Activity Diagram for AdministratorThis figure illustrates the administrator different accessibility on the system. He/she plays a major role in this proposed system. He/ she will be the one who can access the registration of new members, viewing of the Attendance, work outs, trainings, transactions and also the generation of reports for this proposed system.Database SchemaThe figure below illustrates the database design and its entity relationship diagram of the diffe rent tables used in the database system. The diagram illustrates the one to one relationships among the table customers and customer transactions. The diagram demonstrates the relationship from one table to another.Figure 7 DataBase Schema ironware RequirementsThis table below discussed the requirements of proposed system upon implementation.CategorySpecificationsArchitectureDual hollow out ProcessorProcessor Speed1.10 GHzRAM1gbHard revolt80 to 500 Gb sataEthernet Adapteronly supported ethernet organiser installed on computerModem56k Baud RateMonitor any artistry CardAnyKeyboardAnyMouseanyPrinterAnyChapter VRecommendationsGeneral recommendationsThe proponent brings up the significance of the proposed system on with the value of recommendations. The Gym Management System has attained its objectives. Thus the proponents recommend that the software must be implemented and can be select by any Gym or fitness business in reasons of it will allow the automation of manual process of m embership registration, setting of workouts and training programs, viewing of attendance, transactions, inventory and generations of reports. This will speed up the manual process and gives effective, convenient and more reliable Gym Management System.The proponent chose the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology to expedite the software development process. The SDLC provides structuredsystem development methodologies that guide the systems development effort toward quality systems that meet the user requirements and are delivered within time and budget. The conventional waterfall model has morphed into different methodologies that attempt to overcome some entire weaknesses of this traditional model and other older models developed after the waterfall, which will be examined in the section below. This continued adaptation of the SDLC to meet current challenges in information systems development is expected to continue and is the crux of the proof of its continued rele vance in information systems development. Some of these newer models include coordinate Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM), Rapid Application Development (RAD) perfect Programming (XP) Spiral, Fountain, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize. http//www.ukessays.co.uk/essays/computer-sciences/an-essay-on-the-sdlc-model.phpThe proponents used the descriptive narrative survey method to gather data. Statistical research describes data and characteristics about nation or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answer the question who, what, where, when, now.The proponent selected 20 Gym members to serves as respondents of the proposed system. Performance will be congenial to the end users requirements and delivering the system fully functional.The study used the following statistical treatment the distribution shows the number of solvents obtained for each statement or item in the questionnaire.ConclusionThe proponents came up with the following conclusion based on the findingsBased on the surveys and questionnaire the respondents came up that the Gym Management System is more effective and convenient to use. Registration, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 4.31 Log In, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97 User Friendly Features, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97 Inventory ofItems, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97 Generation of reports, the response of the respondents is very effective with the weighted mean of 3.97
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